
It’s a big world out there, with lots of people with lots of different opinions. So many opinions that it can get confusing, even scary. All those voices, shouting at once, saying different things based on different points of view and experience. It takes time sorting it all out, and then finding that in some cases it wasn’t really worth the effort. It’s much nicer – much easier – sometimes to shut out the din and play some soothing music, put up your feet  and bask in the glow of the familiar and agreeable. Perhaps that’s why, as the old saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.  

This may be okay for birds and even an occasional balm for the soul for us beleaguered human beings, but it’s a bad habit for anyone who wants to develop any kind of understanding of the world or to go so far as to try to change things. What I’m referring to here is the tendency for people to find a particular ideological or social niche and stay there, shouting out “amens!” to fellow travelers, shaking their heads sadly or clenching their fists in anger at the latest outrage perpetrated by the Enemy. This kind of thing is especially bad in our so-called social media. It’s even earned itself a descriptive moniker: the echo chamber. 

I’m not the first, by far, to take note of this pernicious trend, and even writing about it at this point may come off as some kind of desperate, pointless rant, but the echo chamber is no laughing matter. Besides its annoying character, it does actual harm to those trapped in its vortex. I’m not referring to physical, mental or emotional harm – though an argument could be made for these – but I am especially concerned about its social implications, in the way it affects how our society functions and whether we are being truly responsive to the problems we seem to be addressing. 

Political debate, of course, is the most blatant example of how the echo chamber imprisons otherwise intelligent people, locking them into a hermetically sealed environment, preventing them from considering other options. Even when politicos are engaged in debates with those they disagree with, they take comfort in the applause of their followers. The more applause, the more followers and the greater the passion going into supporting the cause – all very comforting. But real political debate can be exhausting, nerve-wracking and frustrating. It’s so hard getting the idiot you’re debating to acknowledge that he or she is wrong. So while you may engage the Enemy from time to time, you need to get your batteries recharged. You need to go to that friendly place where everybody thinks pretty much as you do. 

And so we have the echo chamber. It serves not only as a reassuring support group but also a place where you can do your civic duty of telling the world – or your fellow echo chamber inhabitants – about what’s wrong with the world and what needs to be done. If the typical echo chamber message doesn’t begin with “Somebody oughtta…” then it should, because nine times out of ten the message is about what should be done with nary a word as to how it should be done – or who should do it. This is probably one of the biggest problems with the echo chamber. People make their statement and seem to think that saying something is making some kind of a big difference – or by making their statement repeatedly it will, like some kind of magical incantation, bring about the change they are seeking. In the social media setting they will receive plenty of “likes” and high fives – and if anyone in any way criticizes their stand, that luckless individual will be designated a troll and face possible banishment. 

With a sense of satisfaction, the messenger will rest on his or her laurels, content that something useful has been accomplished. It’s kind of like voting for hand-picked candidates that don’t really represent your views, but one is more obnoxious than the other so therefore you cast your vote because you have to – it’s your civic duty. There is no need to do anything more – perhaps you might sign a petition or write an email to someone on some issue or other. But that’s it. You feel good about yourself. You may feel as though the world is going to hell, but at least you can tell yourself you did what you could. 

Now I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m being too hard on the denizens of these echo chambers. I understand – I’ve spent some time there myself. In fact, every once in a while, I find myself in one of these dens of denial, sinking into the self-assurance that there are lots of folks who feel as I do. But as a recovering political junkie I have to be on the alert and resist settling into the familiar pattern of righteous indignation. I try to avoid such places and familiarize myself with a variety of opinions and points of view, trying them on for size, trying to figure out why someone would see things that way and sometimes succeeding in reaching a point of understanding. One important thing the echo chamberists miss is the opportunity to engage with those with whom they don’t agree, with the possibility of actually finding common ground or rethinking a long-cherished assumption. 

The other thing sorely lacking from the lives of many of those caught in the amber of their own outlooks is genuine action – going forth into the world and doing practical work towards a goal they wish to attain. And I’m not referring here to protests which can be the worst forms of echo chambers, or canvassing and phone banking, which are usually simply lectures to the apparently “ignorant masses” – no, I’m talking about coming up with a plan that will eventually lead you to the promised land. Finding a unique approach that will not automatically trigger a knee jerk nay from the loyal opposition. Coming up with a proposal that will appeal to those who may reject a more radical kind of suggestion – with an offer to work towards a goal both sides find acceptable. Through this process it may be possible to persuade those who stood against you that some of your ideas aren’t that bad – and anyway, you’re just trying to solve a problem that you both acknowledge must be solved. 

Echo chamberists might find such a suggestion distasteful if not downright treasonous. They count on their echoes to penetrate the thick walls surrounding those who haven’t seen the light and awaken a perfect understanding so that they will accept what they are being told without question or hesitation. Maybe this has happened now and again, but I’m not aware of many examples.  Most people resist even more vehemently when they are told they are wrong, and when you start calling them derogatory names, you can forget about it. 

I don’t expect this message to go very far and influence many people. Maybe I should find my own disgruntled band and we can form our own echo chamber denouncing echo chambers – though I hope not. What I want to do is to go on listening to others – I get tired of my own voice and opinions bouncing back at me. If I just hold on to what I have, I gain nothing, but if I keep my mind open I have an opportunity to learn. Furthermore, if I’m out there in the world making practical suggestions that an overwhelming majority can see as sensible, I have a much better chance seeing those ideas turn into reality, even if they are only half measures, than having a perfect vision that sits on the shelf collecting dust.  

What’s more, my engagement with the Enemy – my ceasing to believe in enemies – may bring about a change much more effective and well-grounded than something imposed on someone who would be dedicated to overturning or sabotaging it. It may lower the guard of those who have opposed my suggestions and lead them to take a second look. It’s the greatest chance we have of uniting people, convincing them of the validity of our views and having them share our support of significant change. 

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